Get Involved
Be an UPLYFTER by donating to support our programs. Your donations make a lasting impact.
Student Enrollment
Our educational program awards full and partial scholarships, while offering innovative hands-on projects. Enroll your child today!
Partner with us. We value strategic partners whose interests further our mission.
Attend An Event
Discover us and support our work by attending an event.
Work For Us
Are you passionate about serving people and your community? Get paid doing so. Explore available careers and become part of a great, talented team at UPLYFTED.
Be part of our mission by volunteering in our educational, healthcare or community service field projects.
P.O. BOX TI202, Taifa, Accra, Ghana
P.O. BOX 1020, Florida, USA
+233 243 577 361 (Ghana)
+1 954 412 2508 (USA)